Images of Ligonier Indiana
Historic Architecture
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Images: Ligonier
Ligonier Presbyterian Church
1890. 407 South Cavin.
Banner Block
401 South Cavin
Ligonier Cafe
319 South Cavin
317 South Cavin
313 South Cavin
221-223 South Cavin
Zimmerman Building
213-215 South Cavin. 1870, 1905.
Weir Building
211 South Cavin. 1918.
M. M. Bowen Building
1881. 205 South Cavin.
203 South Cavin
Advance Leader
121 South Cavin
113 South Cavin
Looking South along Cavin
Time Services
310 South Cavin
314 South Cavin
316 South Cavin