Images of Edinburgh Indiana
Historic Architecture
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Images: Edinburgh
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Image: 28 February 2004
104 South Holland
Image: 28 February 2004
Edinburgh Presbyterian Church
306 East Main Street. 1916.
Image: 28 February 2004
200 South Walnut
Image: 28 February 2004
Odd Fellows Lodge 95
110 East Main Cross Street.
Image: 28 February 2004
First Christian Church
306 South Walnut. 1887.
Image: 28 February 2004
Edinburgh Interurban Station
114 West Main Cross Street. 1919-1941.
Image: 28 February 2004
Salin Bank
NW Corner Walnut and Main Cross Streets.
Image: 28 February 2004
Eskew-Eaton Funeral Home
300 Block East Main Cross Street
Image: 28 February 2004