Images of Danville Indiana
Historic Architecture

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Images: Danville

Hendricks County Courthouse

Construction began in 1913. The image dates from April 1999.

Hall Block

60-64 South Jefferson Street.

Sheriff's Residence and Jail

170 South Washington Street. 1866.
National Register of Historic Places.

110 South Washington Street

110 South Washington Detail

Masonic Temple

East Main Street

4 East Main Street

4 West Main Street

8-20 West Main Street

58 West Main Street

Hamrick Building

60-something? West Main Street

78 West Main Street

Danville Christian Church

180 West Main Street. 1914.

Danville Standpipe

100 feet tall, 12 feet in diamter.
Holds 85,000 gallons. 1892.
American Water Landmark.