Images of New Albany Indiana
Historic Architecture
Images: New Albany
New Albany Indiana has an amazing stock of historic buildings.
The seventy-plus images I've posted are only a fraction of what the city has to offer.
For my own convenience, I've grouped the images by street, as follows:
Main Street [27 images]
Market Street [8 images]
Pearl Street [16 images]
Spring Street [11 images]
State Street [6 images]
Other Streets [6 images]
New Albany takes an obvious pride in their architectural heritage. Many buildings bear plaques or markers that identify them, or provide information about their past.
What's more, there are a couple of excellent resources that I relied upon when identifying or describing the buildings I've included.
These are:
Historic Architecture in Downtown New Albany, Indiana, Walking Tour No. 1. This is a very nice and profusely illustrated fold-out brochure and map that provides much history and other detail on dozens of downtown New Albany structures. Many different organizations and individuals appear to have had a hand in the production of this brochure. I'm not sure who to contact for a copy; I got mine from someone (David?) who saw me photographing old buildings and approached me with a copy in hand. Thanks!
Another resource that really helped me get names on some of these structures is available on the web. It's the Main Street Preservation Association's Walking Tour, available on the Floyd County Historical Association's website. Again, thanks!