Images of Fowler Indiana
Historic Architecture

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Images: Fowler

Fowler Presbyterian Church

The First Presbyterian Church in Fowler sits at the northeast corner of South Jackson and East 6th Street. This is a view from the southwest.
Image: 10 November 2003

Fowler State Bank

The Fowler State Bank building bears a date of 1900. It sits on the southeast corner of Madison and 5th Streets in Fowler, Indiana. This is a view from the west.
Image: 10 November 2003

Benton County Courthouse

The Benton County Courthouse dates from 1874-1875. This is a view from the east.
Image: 10 November 2003

Sixth and Lincoln

This building sits at the northwest corner of Sixth and Lincoln in Fowler, Indiana. It bears a date of 1876. This is a view from the south.
Image: 10 November 2003

Fowler Post Office

The Fowler Post Office dates from 1939. It sits at the northwest corner of Madison and 6th Streets in Fowler, Indiana. The street address is 114 North Madison. This is a view from the east.
Image: 10 November 2003

Fraser and Isham

I believe the Fraser and Isham building was originally constructed for use by a law firm, and it still serves that purpose. The building dates from 1895; the address is 306 East 5th Street. This is a view from the northeast, looking somewhat into the sun.
Image: 10 November 2003

Fowler Theatre

The Fowler Theatre sits at 111 East 5th Street. This is a view from the south.
Image: 10 November 2003

Fowler Theatre Detail

This is a closeup of one of the entry doors to the Fowler Theatre.
Image: 10 November 2003

Fowler Public Library

The Fowler Public Library dates from 1906. It sits at the northwest corner of Van Buren Avenue and 5th Street; the address is 102 North Van Buren Avenue. This is a view from the south.
Image: 10 November 2003